Each of us has potentials that make us unique but sometimes it can be painstaking to uncover them considering you’d have to endure disappointments, disgrace or failures in that pursuit. Our potentials are just like precious metals that are difficult to unearth in many part of the world and in their natural raw state untrained eyes can’t spot their worth.

Explore things you desire to pursue even if you don’t succeed you know you have tried after all most people in their dying days don’t regret their failures but rather the things they wish to do and they never did.

Unshackle yourself of the thought of what others will say, shame and guilt as these are mostly the stumbling blocks in minds preventing us to uncover our true potentials. Dream like a child with boldness without shame and guilt, and make dreams become reality like a master craft who is newly discovered. The world could not wait for gifts to humanity. You may not be the next Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and other great minds of time but you’ll be “YOU” and if the make you happy and fulfilled, well done to you in your self-discovery and self-mastery.