Lose Ego to Move Forward
One of the difficult things to do is to move out of your comfort zone. The primary force that holds many of us in our comfort zones most of the time is our ego. You must be willing to lose that ego to move forward. To seek the answers you look for, you must go out and lose that fragile self-image you have created. For instance, when we feel too proud of ourselves and deny ourselves the opportunity to approach others who hold answers to the questions that trouble our minds, we deny ourselves the chance to grow up. The price to pay to make progress in life at times is to sacrifice the ego that holds us back.
Aim high but not too high beyond what you can manage. It is good to aim high but don’t be unrealistic about it. Make sure to break down your aims into smaller ones that you can reasonably achieve.
Be ready to start from the bottom. To make it up to the top of every field or discipline you find yourself you must be prepared to start your way up from the bottom. It can be demoralising to begin from the trenches. And that can take weeks to years to gain mastery in any discipline of endeavour. You have to develop mental fortitude and the resilience of a life-long student of life.
Lose that ego and make the world a better place for every around you. Be a force to reckon with and the best version of yourself. You can do way better than you’ve already achieved.