Invest in yourself. Make a personal investment in yourself by reading useful books, attending life changing workshops or seminars -just make sure you upgrade your knowledge base. Remember you cannot continue doing the same things and expect different results. Never! You need to change the approach and regularly re-examine whether the new strategies working or need to be amended.

Celebrate others people's success. Be happy for people who are successful in life, and seek good guidance and you’ll be the next successful person. Bitterness about others' success can affect your personal health and growth as well as cloud your sense of taking responsibility for your life.

Seek a good mentorship. Great minds discuss great ideas. Everyone needs a good mentor just as every football team deserves a good coach for technical directions to achieve their goals. Our ego sometimes dont allow us to submit ourselves to study under great mentors. Work on your ego(s) and choose your mentors carefully. Great mentors are happy for the progress of their mentees.

Choose your friends carefully. Make friends with people who wish the best for you -you’re the average of the quality people you associate with. Audit your friends especially those who substrate from you without adding value to your life. One quality friend can change the course of your life.

Start savings and investment. Seek knowledge first for the lack of knowledge many of us lose monies to investments we don't understand but 'hope' to reap huge returns.

These are some of the areas I'm also trying improve in this year.

What habit is top on your list in this year? Leave them in the COMMENT.